New life is sprung at spring time in and round the farm here at Airds of Balcary Farm at Auchencairn, Castle Douglas.
As Airds of Balcary Farm is a working farm there may be sheep and lambs in the fields around The Farmhouse at Destination Balcary. The cows and their new calves are roaming the hills. The chickens, bantams and guinea fowl scratching around the farmyard and fields nearby. Colour is returning the lansdcape.

Balcary Farmhouse – Views to sea and daffodils in bloom at spring time
Winter on the Farm
The winter is a good time for general farm maintenance, equipment repair and getting round to jobs that we meant to do last year. This work includes general repairs, hedging, fencing, tree planting, drainage and ditch clearance. It is important also to ensure we protect and enhance the wildlife and landscape on the farm and about. This is to ensure we co-exist harmoniously with the wildlife habitat too to help improve our local environment.
Early spring is a time for manure and slurry spreading, especially for the hay and silage fields. The livestock will be given additional feed (hay, sugar beets, sheep nuts & cattle cake). The last straw delivery of the winter arrives which will be useful for bedding in the cattle and sheep pens.
The spring barley will also be sown which will help the farm be as self-sufficient as we can.

Spring barley being sown at Destination Balcary
The Flowers & Colours Return at Spring Time
There is colour again in the landscape with vibrant yellow daffodils and crocuses in the garden and fields after the early sprinkling of snowdrops. Delightful bright blossom is also appearing in a number of the trees and bushes. The yellow pea like flower on the gorse bushes on the headland is also plentiful. You are likely to find the sheep using the gorse as cover to keep out of the wind. The birds are also singing more loudly, welcoming in new life. They know that spring and summer is coming.

Gorse cover for the new born in spring time
Spring Time & Babies on the Farm…… A Beautiful Time of the Year
It is a delightful time as we look out into the fields and see new born lambs bouncing about. There are fresh innocent faced and gangly calves being fed fresh warm milk by their mothers. The free range hens and ducks also start laying their eggs again after a winter off, we even get a few unexpected chicks too.
The calves will then be weaned and after a while and then they will be fed on concentrates and sugar beet.

Winter lambs at Destination Balcary
The Joys of Lambing Time
Lambing can be at times a full-time operation however it is truly rewarding as the new born lambs always help bring a smile to your face. It is a joy to see once they are out of the pens (normally after 3 days) and watch them playing in the fields in the sunshine with the wonderful seascape backdrop.
No time for that sadly and back to work for us. Muck spreading awaits and we get ready to fertilise the crop fields whilst keeping an eye on the ever growing flock too.

Newborn calves at Destination Balcary
Useful Links
- Biodiversity at Destination Balcary –
- The Farm at Destination Balcary –
- Green Tourism at Destination Balcary –
- Local Wildlife –
- Spring has Sprung 2023 –
- The Biosphere –